British Columbia to see more rain this weekend than all of summer

First fall-like storm of the season for B.C.'s South Coast this weekend as a widespread soaking rain blankets the region.

The strongest Pacific trough in months will reach British Columbia's South Coast by Friday, directing widespread soaking rain into the region through this final full weekend of summer. The heavy rain totals will amount to roughly a month's worth of rain, which is expected to fall all in just a couple of days. Well below seasonal temperatures will also make things feel rather cool and damp, with some substantial alpine snow expected into the early parts of next week. More on the timing and impacts of this incoming system, below.

Visit our Complete Guide to Fall 2021 for an in-depth look at the Fall Forecast, tips to plan for it and much more!


A fall-like system is set to bring heavy persistent rain to British Columbia starting Thursday overnight and lasting through Sunday.


"B.C. has been plagued by extreme heat, drought conditions, and extreme wildfire conditions this past summer and we're about to get a taste of what the fall season normally brings," says Matt Grinter, a meteorologist at The Weather Network.

RELATED: B.C.'s historic wildfire season: A recap of the explosive summer

A low that is currently tracking near the Aleutian Islands is set to bring wet conditions to B.C. to end off the week, and persist through much of the weekend as well. There's the potential to see more rain with this weekend storm than what was received for many cities on the South Coast and Vancouver Island for the entire summer this year.

"Although that's not really saying much, especially in Vancouver, as the city joined the prestigious club of seeing no accumulating precipitation for the entire month of July, which had only happened three other times since records began in 1899," Grinter adds.

Rain is expected to start for the central coast and northern Vancouver Island Thursday overnight and then eventually reach the Lower Mainland early Friday morning.

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Rain will be persistent and heavy at times through the day on Friday, with the heaviest periods occurring in the afternoon and evening. As we head into Saturday, showers will continue on and off throughout the day, eventually becoming quite scattered for Sunday. Most of the rain will fall Friday, but with lingering light accumulations expected through the weekend.

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In all, between 40-100+ mm of rain is expected to fall with this system.

In addition to the rain, there will still be some gusty conditions that accompany the system. Strong winds will develop for the central and north coast through Thursday overnight, continuing to linger during the day Friday. The South Coast will see the breezy conditions through the day Friday and lingering into Saturday morning as well. Special weather statements are already in place for these winds, warning of gusts between 50-70 km/h.

"These winds may toss small loose objects, or cause small tree branches to break," says Environment and Climate Change Canada in the statement.

Well below seasonal temperatures will also mark this final weekend of summer, with some substantial alpine snow expected into early next week.

Be sure to check back for the latest updates on the weather conditions in British Columbia.