2025 Groundhog Day results: See them here!

Here are the results, according to Canada's premier prognosticators.

With winter truly kicking into high gear in the final weeks of January, many Canadians are asking an age-old question: Will spring be here soon?

Groundhog Day 2025 put the answer in the tiny paws of furry prognosticators across Canada.

Explainer: Groundhog Day Six (6) More Weeks of Winter (The Weather Network)

The holiday is a popular tradition celebrated in North America on February 2. According to folklore, if the groundhog sees its shadow, it will be scared and return to its burrow. That translates to a forecast of six more weeks of winter on the way. Under cloudy skies, the groundhog stays out to visit, suggesting we'll see an early spring.

Not unlike their human counterparts, the marmot meteorologists don't always agree on the forecast.

SEE ALSO: Why do groundhogs emerge on February 2 if it’s not to predict the weather?

Groundhog Day success rate since 2020

Groundhog success rate since 2020 (The Weather Network/Canva Pro)


Shubenacadie Sam: Nova Scotia


canva - 6 more weeks of winter

Shubenacadie Sam was the first Groundhog Day reveal in North America at 8 a.m. AST.

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Sam saw his shadow this year, meaning six more weeks of winter.

Lucy The Lobster: Barrington Passage, N.S.


canva - 6 more weeks of winter

Who says groundhogs are the only ones that can predict the weather?

The Weather Network's Nathan Coleman reported live from the Lobster Capital of Canada Groundhog Day, bringing you these very important results, on a very chilly day. According to Nate, it was feeling like -20 during the festivities, making it one of the coldest Groundhog Day celebrations in recent memory.

'Lucy the Lobster' clawed her way onto the scene back in 2018, after she reportedly crawled from the water to a lobster trap on Groundhog Day.

Check out how the East Coast prognosticators get ready for Groundhog Day:

Fred La Marmotte: Quebec


canva - 6 more weeks of winter

After the sudden and tragic loss of Fred La Marmotte, event organizer, Roberto Blondin, announced that the tradition would continue with Fred’s successor: Fred Junior.

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The results were made in front of Permaculture school in Val d'Espoir.

Wiarton Willie: Ontario

CANVA _ groundhog day early spring

2025 result: EARLY SPRING

The Weather Network's Victoria Fenn Alvarado reported this reveal live, in front of one of the largest Groundhog Day crowds she's seen in her three years following the festivities.

Like Atlantic Canada, temperatures were chilly in Wiarton, feeling like -18 with the wind chill. Thankfully, cold days will end soon, according to Willie.

WATCH BELOW: You know Wiarton Willie, but do you know how the tradition began?

Manitoba Merv

2025 result: EARLY SPRING

CANVA _ groundhog day early spring

Manitoba Merv has been leading local Groundhog Day celebrations for over 30 years.

He started as an actor in children's puppet shows at Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre but has since moved on to a Groundhog Day mascot with an impressive track record.

Merv made his bold prediction at sunrise, forecasting an early end to winter.

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WATCH BELOW: Why is Manitoba Merv a puppet?

Balzac Billy: Alberta

2025 result: EARLY SPRING

CANVA _ groundhog day early spring

In Alberta, we have Balzac Billy, a hog in disguise.

Groundhogs are plentiful in most parts of Canada and the U.S. but aren't found in southern Alberta, where the community of Balzac is precisely located.

Residents created a workaround with Balzac Billy, a man-sized mascot who has been predicting the spring forecast since the 1970s. Fun fact: he's not even a groundhog. According to the local media, Billy is a Richardson's ground squirrel, a common species in this locale.

This year, Billy greeted people at the Blue Grass Nursery and Garden Centre and predicted an early end to winter.

WATCH BELOW: Alberta's own Balzac Billy makes his prediction in frigid temperatures

Van Island Violet: British Columbia


canva - 6 more weeks of winter

Counting 2025, Van Isle Violet has, in Groundhog Day terms, “seen her shadow” for four consecutive years. For 2022, 2023, and 2024, that proved to be an accurate prediction of six or more weeks of wintry weather on the island. Will she maintain her 100 per cent accuracy through 2025? Only time will tell.

Learn more about the endangered marmot below:

2025 results roundup

Baron - Groundhog Day 2025 predictions - final

Header image: Made by Cheryl Santa Maria.