Blast of sneaky snow hits Ontario's busiest area Tuesday

Tuesday's snow won't be widespread, but the effects of it in isolated spots could make for some slick travel across the GTA.

With just days left until the official start to spring, signs of the new season will be evident with temperatures warming significantly across southern Ontario this week.

Visit our Complete Guide to Spring 2022 for an in-depth look at the Spring Forecast, tips to plan for it and much more!

But with all eyes on that warm-up and making some well deserved outdoor plans for March Break, a blast of sneaky snow Tuesday may catch some people off guard first.

The band of snow is likely to stretch only about 100 km wide, so this will not be a widespread system for the region. It will however, target a region that has a very large population, impacting travel across busy sections of the Greater Toronto Area.

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"The slow moving front is creating enough lift in the atmosphere to produce a narrow band of snow and some rain," says Kelly Sonnenburg, a meteorologist at The Weather Network. "Near this boundary, temperatures will be hovering right near the freezing mark."

While there is some uncertainty how widespread this snow will be, some areas that are stuck under this band could see between 5-10 cm of snow fall from the late morning hours through the early evening on Tuesday.

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Southwest of this band towards Windsor, temperatures could climb into the double digits, while under the band and north, temperatures will be near or just slightly above the freezing mark.

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"The snow will depart around dinnertime, so roads may still be wet with lingering snow for the evening commute," warns Sonnenburg.

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The stretch of more pleasant early spring weather will return to much of southern Ontario on Wednesday, with temperatures possibly even reaching the 20-degree mark in some areas by Thursday.

Don't get too comfortable though, as Mother Nature could bring another taste of winter weather, with a chance for some snow to wrap up the final day of winter 2022 this weekend. Forecasters are also watching the potential for a colder pattern to return for the final few days of March.

April is expected to test our patience at times with periods of the colder weather mixed in.

Stay tuned to The Weather Network for all the latest on your forecast across Ontario.