A trio of storms will showcase what a Canadian spring is all about

Spring is getting off to a fast start in parts of Canada, with multiple systems pushing through in the coming days that will demonstrate why we are in a transitional season

Half of the country will be getting the full spring treatment in the short term, with temperatures and precipitation types that show off what the season is capable of producing over the next three months.

RELATED: First in a parade of storms set to spring into Ontario and Quebec


As such, an active storm track will set up over Eastern Canada in the coming days, bringing a trio of systems to the region.

Three different systems will bring rain, snow and even freezing rain to Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada over the next seven days. Each storm will consist of a different forecast, delivering many precipitation types and temperatures.

The first storm will move into northwestern Ontario Tuesday overnight and exit Newfoundland by Saturday.


The second storm, colder than the first, will move into southwestern Ontario Saturday morning and leave the Maritimes by Sunday night. This system is expected to track farther south across Ontario, pulling in cooler air on the northern side.

The grand finale will be a storm that will track into the region Tuesday and persist into Thursday for Newfoundland.

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As each system draws in colder air, the freezing line (or snow line) shifts south with the third system, resulting in mainly snow for Eastern Canada.


As a result, vigilance is urged for melting snow, pond and pooling with heavy rain that may fall with any of these storms. Swollen creeks and streams are anticipated with warmer temperatures, melting snow and rainfall.

Safe to say, spring is only just getting started, and so, too, is the battle for warmth. Changeable temperatures are expected for the final days of March through early April, with no sustained warm weather really in sight.