It's time to shine, Jupiter!

Eyes to the sky!

Have you noticed Jupiter getting brighter and brighter lately?

There's a very good reason for that: the planet will soon be at its brightest in nearly 71 years. On September 26, Jupiter will reach its closest distance to Earth for 2022, in an event called opposition.

The gas giant will be positioned on the exact opposite side of Earth from the Sun at roughly 4 p.m. ET.

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Jupiter will be just under 591.3 million kilometres from the Earth. The last time it was closer was on October 2, 1951, and the next time it will be even brighter will be 107 years from now, according to NASA.

Next week, Weather Network science writer Scott Sutherland will take a deeper dive into this phenomenon so check back to read more! In the meantime, you can follow Scott on Twitter for updates.

Thumbnail image created by Cheryl Santa Maria using video elements from Canva Pro. Video produced by April Walker with files from Cheryl Santa Maria.