Dive into the ‘traffic jam’ gripping Canada’s pattern this weekend

A pattern known as a Rex block will keep the weather pressing repeat for a large swath of Canada heading into the beginning of June

Many Canadians will note that their forecast in the coming days looks like it’s stuck on repeat.

Folks in Ontario will see day after day of sunny skies and gradually warming temperatures, eventually peaking with summertime intensity heading into the beginning of June.

Farther west, though, parts of the Prairies are in the midst of one round of potent thunderstorms after another. Communities in southern parts of Saskatchewan and Manitoba are bearing the brunt of this repetitive storm threat.

This unusually stubborn pattern is the result of a Rex block, an upper-level pattern that puts things on pause for an extended period of time.

Watch the video above from The Weather Network’s Shannon Fernando as she dives into the Rex block that’s dominating the eastern half of the country this weekend.

Thumbnail image courtesy of NOAA.