Six cars belonging to anglers fall through icy lake
Officials issued a warning about the lake following the incident.
Six vehicles fell into a Minnesota lake not far from the Wisconsin border over the weekend after their owners parked their cars on icy Lake Pepin while they went ice fishing.
According to WCCO, the parking lot was full at the popular fishing spot, so people began parking on the ice, which eventually caused it to crack.
It doesn't appear as though any of the cars were fully submergered.

(Credit: Jeremy Nelson/via CNN Newsource)
“Thin ice” signs were then placed in the area.
The cars had to be reeled back in. Goodhue Sherrif's Office issued a warning about the ice after the incident. Nobody was injured in the incident, the sherrif's office told Fox9. Authorities were first alerted to the accident at 11:15 a.m. Saturday and all vehicles were sucessfully removed.
Ice safety
Every year, officials remind the public that no ice is safe ice, but there are some visual clues people can use to gauge the risk.
When venturing on or near ice always pay attention to signs that may be posted and watch the weather conditions. Deep chills followed by prolonged spells of temperatures dancing around the freezing mark can weaken the integrity of the ice.
"If the ice is grey or greyish, do not step out onto it," writes Weather Network science writer Scott Sutherland.
"If the ice is any shade of grey, it is likely decaying or melting, and it is probably fairly thin and weak. The source of the grey colour is typically the dark liquid water underneath showing through the ice. Even if it is very light or pale grey, it is best to err on the side of caution."