POV: Niagara Falls is spectacular in winter
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Niagara Falls.
It's beautiful year-round, but it's especially stunning in the winter.

Christine Hess

Christine Hess
An unusually chilly bout of weather may make the falls look like it's stopped moving, but most years, the falls are only partially frozen.
That's because the sheer power of the water keeps things moving.
Christine Hess
Denys Peel
In winter, about 85 million litres of water per minute tumble over the falls, hitting speeds up to 40 kilometres per hour.
The one time the falls stopped was in March 1848.
Virginia MacDonald
Kai Tao
High winds on Lake Erie sent millions of tonnes of ice toward the channel leading to the falls, blocking the flow of water.
The falls were silent for 30 long hours.
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