‘Something you can’t unsee’—why dog owners should break this gross habit

Once you notice these discarded bags swinging from the branches, you start to notice them everywhere.

If a dog’s droppings get bagged up and chucked in the woods, did anyone really pick them up in the first place?

Folks have been tossing their doggy cleanup bags off the side of the road lately, leaving the odious refuse swinging from trees like mortifying holiday ornaments.

The Weather Network’s Nathan Coleman recently noticed this disappointing trend while walking around in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

“You might think this area is an outlier with a repeat offender. But ever since it brought light to the issue for me, I’ve been noticing them everywhere. It’s something you can’t unsee,” Coleman said as he surveyed the unfortunate situation.

Not only is this an unsanitary non-solution for dog owners looking to get rid of this unwanted baggage in a hurry, but it’s downright terrible for the environment. It takes years—possibly even eternity—for these bags to degrade on their own.

Watch the video above from Nathan Coleman on why this trend is so disappointing, and what you can do to help both your pets and the environment.

Thumbnail courtesy of Eugene Chystiakov via Unsplash.