Ladybugs have emerged! Here's how to tell which ones bite
Some lady beetles bite, others don't. Here's how to tell the difference.
They're reddish, with black spots, and they are flying high this time of year.
We're talking about lady beetles.
Globally, there are about 6,000 lady beetle species. About 166 of those have been documented in Canada, and not all of them are native.
In Canada, native species tend to be docile, and they feed on pest insects, like crop-damaging aphids.
One way to tell native and non-native species apart is by looking at their colour and markings, Christine Noronha, a research scientist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, tells The Weather Network.
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Invasive Asian lady beetles (left) have an "M" pattern at the back of their head, while native species (red) do not. Lady beetles. (Andreas Trepte/Zachi Evenor/Wikipedia)
Native lady beetles are red with black spots. The multicoloured Asian lady beetle, which as the name suggests, is not native, can range from tan to yellow, to orange, to red.
Another point of differentiation lies at the back of the head of the Asian lady beetle, which has a black 'M' shape on it. Their bodies are also slightly longer and more oval, whereas native lady beetles are rounder.
This non-native species is aggressive, and tends to take over habitats, displacing native species. They also bite, unlike native species.
"It's like a pinch," Noronha says, "but they can break the skin."

Asian lady beetles (pictured here) range in colour from tan to yellow, to orange to brown. Graphic created by Cheryl Santa Maria. Image courtesy: Andreas Trepte/Wikipedia
Finding them in your home
There's not much to worry about if you spot the lady beetles in your home.
"They won't reproduce [or] do anything else in your house," says Noronha.
In other words, they won't chew holes in your wood or clothing, and they don't spread disease. They do, however, have an unsettling parlour trick.
It's called "reflex bleeding," and if threatened they'll bleed from their joints, releasing a substance that Noronha describes as "very smelly," and it can leave behind a stain.
If you find a few Asian lady beetles in your home, make sure to wipe down the area once they're gone.
Unlike other insects, which only live for a few weeks, this species can live up to three years. When it finds a spot it likes, it will lay down a pheromone so it can return the following year.
WATCH BELOW: Billions of cicadas are expected to emerge this spring
Editor's note: This article was originally published in 2021.
Header image courtesy of Justin Lauria/Unsplash.