Claws vs. Paws: Nova Scotia’s lobster and groundhog compete for spotlight

Only in Nova Scotia can you get a groundhog squaring off against a lobster about weather predictions! The Weather Network's Nathan Coleman introduces Nova Scotia's Groundhog Day stars!

In the news business, being first matters and Shubenacadie Sam has an edge over other groundhogs by making the earliest prediction in North America. 

Thanks to her burrow being located in the Atlantic time zone, early risers can count on hearing Sam’s forecast before anyone else.

Nova Scotia, however, isn’t just home to Sam. A new crustacean contender has emerged on the province’s southwest coast, which shares the same time zone. 

Lucy the lobster first surfaced in 2018 in Barrington, N.S., the lobster capital of Canada, whose fame has grown with each passing year, earning her the nickname “lob-star”.

Where else but in Nova Scotia would a groundhog and a lobster go claw-to-claw over weather predictions? After all, a little friendly competition never hurts anyone, right?

Edited by Fredrick Reyes, a digital journalist for The Weather Network.