Major highways across Cape Breton now passable after multi-day storm

People living on isolated or gravel roads across CBRM may have to wait until Friday for clearing

Parts of northeastern Nova Scotia and Cape Breton continue to slowly dig themselves out of a historic multi-day snow storm.

Major highways across Cape Breton are now passable, according to the provincial Public Works Department, although ice and narrow lanes are still an issue, and parts of Highway 125 and the Cabot Trail are down to one lane.

Across Cape Breton Regional Municipality, most roads in provincial jurisdiction will be open by the end of Wednesday, and the regional public works department says local roads should also be passable by then.

Isolated or gravel roads might not be cleared until Friday, however.

CBC: A wheel loader clears snow away in Sydney, N.S., on Feb. 6, 2024. (Shaina Luck/CBC)

A wheel loader clears snow away in Sydney, N.S., on Feb. 6, 2024. (Shaina Luck/CBC)

Schools across both the Strait and Cape Breton-Victoria regional centres of education remain closed Wednesday, as does the Cape Breton University campus.

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There will be no curbside collection across the CBRM on Wednesday and Transit Cape Breton will not be operating.

Biggest snowfall in 20 years

CBC meteorologist Ryan Snoddon says with so much blowing and drifting, it has been difficult to get specific measurements of snowfall during the storm, but unofficial estimates show Sydney was likely the hardest hit, with between 90 and 150 centimetres recorded between Friday and Monday.

"Overall, this was no doubt the most historic winter storm to hit Nova Scotia since White Juan, and near the top of the all-time list," Snoddon said.

Sixty to 90 centimetres fell over Victoria and Guysborough counties. Up to 60 centimetres were recorded around the Halifax metro area.

This article was originally published for CBC News. Contains files from Information Morning Cape Breton.