New research suggests masks help protect the wearer, too

Health officials continue to provide best practices on how to protect ourselves from COVID-19. New research shows the latest mask efficacy.

To be fair to health officials, they are only providing the best and latest information they have. But also, to be fair to common sense, obviously masks help protect the wearer and not just those around them.

For months, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shared that people should wear masks to protect those around them but it doesn't really help the person who is wearing one.

The fun part of the evolving research is that every time a new conclusion is made and a new batch of hilarious mask-themed cartoons and memes are created.

The latest study shows that wearing masks protect both the wearer and their surroundings.

"I'm glad that the CDC has finally endorsed what we've already known," shares Dr. Jeffrey Jahre, an infectious disease specialist from the St. Luke's University Health Network.

But the latest findings also share new information regarding what types of masks we should be wearing.

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The CDC and Health Canada recommend a high-quality cotton mask with two or three layers.

Health Canada has also published what could be its first "DIY" page, where they provide step-by-step instructions on how to make a mask.

Overall, health officials are just providing recommendations based on their latest scientific studies. As COVID-19 continues to spread, it's important to protect yourself and others, so it's good news that good masks are good protection.