Having trouble growing out a Movember ‘stache? Weather could be to blame
The Weather Network's Michael Vann speaks with a dermatologist to find out why hair growth slows in the colder months, and what that means for men growing a moustache for Movember
Do you find you need fewer haircuts and trims during the colder months?
It turns out you could be right.
During the coldest months of the year, your hair actually grows at a slower rate.
Experts believe the reason behind the slowdown has to do with a combination of dehydration and lack of vitamin D during the dry and dark winter months.
“What happens in winter is we don’t have as much circulation...the blood vessels are constricted,” explains dermatologist Dr. Renée Beach. “Our blood vessels provide oxygen to our tissues, including our scalp, so if we’re not getting as fast or as frequent circulation, that’s going to impact our rate of growth.”
So if your goal is growing longer locks, the cooler months may prove problematic—and that includes your facial hair.
Watch the video above to learn more about how seasonal changes can impact hair growth.
(Header image courtesy of selimaksan via Getty Images)