5 tips to protect your hair from harsh Canadian winters
Canadian winters can be really tough, especially on your hair. Here are some helpful hair care tips to keep in mind throughout the season.
Stepping outside and exposing your scalp to cold dry air, harsh winter winds, and everything in between can leave your hair dehydrated and more susceptible to damage.
To fix your hair’s breakage blues, follow these five hair care tips and get ahead of winter damage:
1. Don’t go outside with wet hair
We’ve all been there, rummaging to get ready for a long day at work but still running behind. While bracing the outdoors with wet hair can save you time — it’s certainly not saving your hair from winter damage.
Wet hair is more vulnerable to damage than dry hair. Exposure to icy cold weather can cause dryness, breakage and split ends to your hair.
Better to let your hair air-dry before leaving the house to protect it from the winter elements.

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2. Improve your brush technique
Brushing your hair to detangle knots is a daily routine for many, but brushing can also be damaging if done improperly.
If you tend to brush your hair quickly and while it’s wet, your hair is more likely to break.
The best way to avoid breakage is to brush dry hair by slowing down and using smoother movements. It’s important to start brushing from the bottom and work up, which helps detangle knots at the ends of your hair. Once those knots are detangled, you can work on the roots.

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3. Prepare your hair with a nourishing/damage repairing hair treatment
With frizzy dry hair, it’s better to start from scratch. Start by hopping in the shower to give your hair a boost of hydration before bracing the cold winter weather.
Use a hair care product that has a formula to repair past damage and prevent future damage.
A great nourishing treatment you can try is Pantene Rescue Shots - a rinse out hair treatment that is proven to provide visibly smoother, shinier and stronger hair.
See the results as soon as you rinse.

(Pantene Rescue Shots)
4. Wear a hat
While we have learnt to prepare the hair ahead of time to curb winter damage, it’s important to remember that even dry hair is vulnerable to breakage caused by cold dry air.
Wearing a hat over your head during the winter months can shield it from dry air, snow, wind, and rain.

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5. Eat these foods to help your hair stay healthy
The better your diet, the happier your hair will be.
According to Medical News Today, eating foods rich in fatty acids like nuts and fish, as well as fruits and vegetables that contain Vitamin E and Vitamin C, can help keep your hair healthy from the inside out.
Vitamin E helps support a healthy scalp, you can try eating more peanut butter, red bell peppers and spinach to help.

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Vitamin C promotes hair health, reduces hair loss and improves hair growth. Examples of foods with Vitamin C are strawberries, broccoli and potatoes.
Winter weather is harsh on all hair textures and types, but it can be better managed with the right daily routine and diet.
Follow these tips and you can keep your hair hydrated and looking great this winter, without the hassle.

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