How excessive rain helps this urban farm hand out free food in North Dartmouth

Rising food prices have meant difficult decisions for Canadians living on a low income. That's why the North Grove community hub operates its own urban farm to give out produce to anyone who wants it, and they never have leftovers.

The North Grove Community Farm has seen in recent years how excessive humidity and rainfall grows crops faster and, in turn, can provide more food for the community.

The urban farm was planted in an area of Dartmouth, N.S., that was once a field used by residents as a shortcut. Now it grows thousands of pounds of produce residents are able to take home with them — for free.

"Nothing goes to waste. People take everything," co-ordinator Katherine Carey told The Weather Network.

What started as a family resource centre evolved into a community farm in 2016 through a partnership with Community Food Centres Canada that now serves North Grove community members living on a low income.

At the farm, participants can plant a plot for themselves or simply come to the farm stall and pick up whatever has been harvested. There is also a kitchen where food from the farm is prepared and served as a free meal.

The climate factor

After a day of steady rain, the North Grove Community Farm is looking extra green. (Nathan Coleman)

After a day of steady rain, the North Grove Community Farm is looking extra green. (Nathan Coleman)

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Climate change can drive up prices on imported produce in the grocery store. But in Dartmouth, Carey says recent warmer weather has meant better growing conditions locally.

"It's pretty humid so plants love that. Last year we were having major rain every single week so we barely had to water," Carey continued.

She says the length of the growing season has also been extended.

"Last year we were harvesting into November really. The climate changing has in some ways made growing here specifically a little bit easier."

You can learn more about the North Grove Community Farm in the video above or donate to the farm through their website.

Barrels capture the excess rainfall for watering on days when it's not raining. (Nathan Coleman)

Barrels capture the excess rainfall for watering on days when it's not raining. (Nathan Coleman)

Thumbnail image: Participants at North Grove can grow food in their own plot or take home produce that has been grown and harvested by volunteers on site. (Nathan Coleman)