These products can help destroy the coronavirus

These products can help kill the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19

We are all taking our cleaning routines a little more seriously these days, and especially now that the majority of Canadians understand surface transmission.

Consumer Reports created a condensed list of products that can help destroy the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. These products have been deemed most effective by The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

Rubbing Alcohol

This will kill the novel coronavirus at concentrations of 70%. It is suggested that you first clean the area with water and detergent, then let the rubbing alcohol sit for 30 seconds. You should then wipe the area clean.


When cleaning with bleach, you should always wear gloves and dilute the solution -- four teaspoons of bleach to four cups of water. Since bleach is a harsh cleaner, you should make sure it won’t damage the surface you are trying to clean with a little spot test.

Soap and Water

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, coronaviruses are some of the easiest types of viruses to kill -- simply just using soap will do the trick. That is why handwashing is of such high importance right now.

Hydrogen Peroxide

This is effective at 3%. It is not as intense as bleach, so you do not need to dilute the solution. In order for it to work, you should spray it on a surface, let it sit for one minute, then clean.

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For a full list of products that the Government of Canada is deeming useful for killing the coronavirus, you can refer to their database.

Officials have stressed the importance of cleaning electronics like your smartphone or shared computer spaces. Always follow manufacturer guidelines for cleaning. If you can not find this, alcohol based wipes should be your best bet at killing any virus and not soaking the equipment.

Also, when it comes to laundry, you may want to think about cleaning out your hamper after clothes or linens that could contain the virus have sat inside. Wash on the warmest setting and do not shake any pre-washed laundry, as this could release the virus before it heads into the machine. Regular laundry detergent will work.

Now to the products that do not work...

Vodka, homemade hand sanitizer, tea tree oil and vinegar.

There were some discrepancies over these more natural products, but in the end, it is better to be safe than sorry.

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As for vodka, there is not enough alcohol in store bought brands, so it is better to save this for your quarantinis!


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