Officials take action after sea turtle spotted feeding on raw sewage

Scuba diving instructor Charn Joon Park recently noticed a sea turtle feeding on sewage out of a pipe pouring into clear water in Bolabog Beach in Boracay, Philippines.

The disturbing video, which has since gone viral, shows the turtle with its head stuffed inside the opening of a pipe as yellow and green filth pours out.

Several species of tropical fish were also seen feeding on the waste, according to Reuters.

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Several divers and residents complained to local officials, prompting an investigation. Shortly after Boracay Tubi System, Inc. -- the owner and operator of the pipe -- was sent a cease and desist letter by the local environment management bureau.

Analysis of water near the pipe by Boracay's Department of Environment and Natural resources found it tested positive for Coliform bacteria, which is often present in human and animal waste.

The Island of Boracay attracted 2 million visitors in 2018. To combat the effects of pollution, it has limited visitors to 19,000 a day and prohibited beach parties, smoking, and drinking.

Green sea turtles are listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and are a protected species in many countries.