Giant slug found in Harrow, Ont. 'no risk' says ministry of agriculture

Sightings of the leopard slug are up this year, says the ministry.

CBC giant slug

Leopard slugs traditionally measure up to 15 centimetres, but can get as large as 20 centimetres. (Submitted to the CBC by PJ Bernauer)

A giant slug found in Harrow, Ont. is of "no risk," according to the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA).

The slug, found by PJ Bernauer while he was watering his garden, is a leopard slug, officially known as Limax maximus. They traditionally measure up to 15 centimetres, but can get as large as 20 centimetres.

The slug, found by PJ Bernauer while he was watering his garden, is a leopard slug, officially known as Limax maximus. (Submitted to the CBC by PJ Bernauer)

Bernauer's son Hudson wasn't afraid of the giant slug at all. (Submitted by PJ Bernauer)

According to OMAFRA the leopard slug isn't an issue, but isn't that common in Ontario, though sightings are up this year.

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It's original home was Europe, but was inadvertently transported to Ontario (and Canada as a whole) as part of food transportation.

This article was written for the CBC.