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We're pretty sure police academy doesn't teach officers how to handle tiny feathered suspects.

You cannot pass: Adorable tiny owl defies sheriff deputies

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Saturday, July 25, 2015, 2:03 PM - We're pretty sure police academy doesn't teach officers how to handle tiny feathered suspects.

The encounter in the video above has been making the rounds on social media, after sheriff's deputies in Boulder County, Colorado, posted pictures of themselves in a "standoff" with what appears to be a plucky owl.

"Our Sheriff’s Office deputies were driving near a campground on July 23 when they were stopped in their tracks by this young Northern Saw Whet Owl," reads the video's caption on YouTube. "After some curious head twisting (on both sides) it safely flew away."

Despite calling it a "baby" owl, it is likely an adult. Northern saw whet owls typically are not much more than 20 cm long, with females being slightly larger.

It's miniature defiance has been a boon for the Boulder County Sheriff's Department. Their Twitter account has fewer than 400 followers, but the tweeted pictures garnered more than 2,600 retweets. The video, posted later to YouTube, racked up 140,000 views in 24 hours.

SOURCE: Boulder County SheriffOwl Pages

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