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Will spring bring sweet relief? The Weather Network delivers its Spring Outlook

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    Monday, March 2, 2015, 3:25 PM -

    Bitter and frigid temperatures have settled in across much of Canada, which has many wondering when winter will release its icy grip. To provide an overview of what’s to come, The Weather Network’s meteorologists have issued this year’s Spring Outlook, forecasting the months of March, April and May.

    In line with the Winter Outlook predictions, most of Canada avoided extreme winter conditions until January. From the Prairies to Atlantic Canada, this cold weather pattern is likely to dominate through to at least the end of March with below normal temperatures expected. As spring continues through April and May, regions west of Ontario will start to trend toward near or above normal temperatures. Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada will continue to experience below normal temperatures.

    “It took winter a bit longer to set in across Central and Atlantic Canada, but now that it has, it doesn’t appear to want to let go,” said Chris Scott, Chief Meteorologist at The Weather Network. “Spring is a transitional season where we typically see a variety of weather conditions so while it’s expected to be a slow start, Canadians can rest easy and know that relief is in sight. We will turn the corner in April and get near seasonal conditions as we head into May.”  

    Large volumes of snowfall in Atlantic Canada and extensive ice levels around the Great Lakes and the Saint Lawrence River are major contributors to the slower start to spring and below normal temperatures in these regions. Flooding may be a concern for residents in these areas given the snow pack and ice levels, but the below normal temperatures predicted could allow time for the ground to thaw and may result in a slower melt, potentially reducing the chances of major flooding. However, given the variable nature of the season, The Weather Network will keep a close eye on any trends in the weather that could lead to flooding.

    British Columbia and the western coastal region of Yukon will see a continuation of the mild trend experienced this winter with above normal temperatures expected for spring. The Prairies will see below normal temperatures in March, but should see a rebound to near normal in April and May.

    Vancouver and coastal B.C. will see below normal precipitation while the Prairies, Ontario and Quebec are expected to receive near normal precipitation. Above normal precipitation patterns are expected for Atlantic Canada due to the active storm track and lingering arctic air, bringing the risk of heavy snow, rain and a mixture of the two.

    The Weather Network’s Spring 2015 Outlook


    Temperature Outlook

    Precipitation Outlook

    British Columbia

    Above normal in western and coastal areas, near normal in the north-central and east.

    Below normal precipitation for the west coast and coastal mountains.  Near normal precipitation to the east.


    Below normal in the far northeast.  Near normal elsewhere.

    Near normal.


    Below normal in the north and northeast.  Near normal elsewhere.

    Near normal.


    Below normal in the north and east with near normal temperatures in the south-central and southwest.

    Near normal.


    Below normal.

    Near normal.


    Below normal everywhere except the far northeast around Ungava Bay.

    Near normal in most areas but above normal precipitation in parts of the Gaspésie, Anticosti and the adjacent far east.

    The Maritimes and Newfoundland

    Below normal across New Brunswick, most of P.E.I and immediately adjacent Nova Scotia as well as southern Labrador and parts of the adjacent Great Northern Peninsula.  Near normal elsewhere.

    Near normal in far northwestern New Brunswick, the eastern half of Newfoundland and western and northern Labrador.  Above normal across the rest of New Brunswick, P.E.I and Nova Scotia.

    Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut

    Above normal in the southern and western Yukon.  Below normal in the central and eastern N.W.T. and across western and central Nunavut.  Near normal elsewhere.

    Below normal in southwestern Yukon.  Near normal precipitation elsewhere.

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