Expired News - Wicked winter weather brings out the best in communities - The Weather Network
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Canadians and Americans are heading to social media to give their helpful neighbors a shout out

Wicked winter weather brings out the best in communities

Friday, February 20, 2015, 11:08 AM - No matter how cold winter gets, these warm-hearted individuals are fighting back with kindness.

In the U.S., residents of Lexinton, Kentucky took to Facebook to tell stories of helpful strangers that shovel driveways or even buy groceries for their neighbors after a bad winter storm.

But it's not just south of the border that these 'snow angels' are helping out their community.

Sue O. from Halifax, Nova Scotia was appreciative of a good Samaritan's efforts.

Meanwhile residents of Billtown, Nova Scotia rallied together to help a man whose 4x4 was fully buried by the nasty weather.

Many more from Canada tweeted out some love to their helpful neighbors.

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