Expired News - Weather Network meteorologists and storm chasers Mark Robinson and Jaclyn Whittal return to Tornado Alley - The Weather Network
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Storm chasers Mark Robinson and Jaclyn Whittal return to Tornado Alley, one year after witnessing one of the most devastating outbreaks in history.

Weather Network meteorologists and storm chasers Mark Robinson and Jaclyn Whittal return to Tornado Alley

Digital writers

Wednesday, May 14, 2014, 3:56 PM -

On May 20, 2013, tragedy struck Oklahoma. On that notorious day, an EF5 tornado ravaged the city of Moore, annihilating everything in its path and leaving at least 24 people dead. 

The monster tornado marked the last day of a three-day stretch of severe weather across parts of the Midwestern United States and lower Great Plains, also known as America's Tornado Alley. Storm chasers and Weather Network meteorologists Mark Robinson and Jaclyn Whittal were on a three-week storm chasing assignment to provide on the ground reports of the severe weather that strikes that area each year.

STORM-HUNTERS 2014: Mark Robinson and Jaclyn Whittal return to Tornado Alley, bringing you LIVE updates starting May 16.

CLICK BELOW TO WATCH: "I'm at a loss for words"

"I'm at a loss for words," said Robinson as he tried to assess the damage, one day after the monster tornado ripped through Moore. "We're seeing cars twisted up, trees debarked, metal twisted around the trees...the amount of damage is absolutely stunning." 

Robinson and Whittal watched with horror as the deadly tornado bore down on Moore, Okla. 

This year they're heading back for another three-week storm chasing trip across Tornado Alley providing live updates starting Friday, May 16.

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CLICK BELOW TO WATCH: A symbol of hope in Oklahoma

Tornado Alley is often visited in late spring and early summer by dangerous, sometimes violent, tornadoes. Part of the reason why is that the "dryline" -- a front separating moist Gulf of Mexico air from dry air from the Southwest -- often sits across these states, helping spawn tornado-producing thunderstorms. 

Although tornado season has been off to a slow start, experts say a quiet start does not necessarily mean a quiet finish. 

CANADA'S TORNADO ALLEY: Everything you need to know

"Its going to be a very difficult year for storm chasers and meteorologists," said Weather Network meteorologist and five-year storm chaser Dayna Vetesse. "The weather pattern that is unfolding is a difficult one to forecast. Many of the weather models that we use to forecast storm potential are not handling the current situation very well. Currently, there are no indications of major storm days, that being said, it takes only one storm event to really make a trip memorable." 

Catch Storm Chasers and Weather Network Meteorologists Mark Robinson and Jaclyn Whittal LIVE from Tornado Alley starting Friday, May 16 on The Weather Network on TV and theweathernetwork.com.

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