Expired News - Volcano experts predict dangerous eruption in Japan - The Weather Network
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The country is said to have odds of 'one per cent' which means there could be an eruption tomorrow, according to experts.

Volcano experts predict dangerous eruption in Japan

Wednesday, December 3, 2014, 12:27 PM - Nearly three months ago, Mount Ontake killed 57 people after an eruption. Now experts are worried more volcanic eruptions are imminent—and  pack the potential to be even more deadly.

Yoshiyuki Tatsumi is a volcanologist at Kobe University and has analyzed historical data about volcanic activity. The conclusion that he has come to is a scary one: Japan is due for a massive eruption.

According to Tatsumi, the eruption could make the country unlivable for 95 per cent of the country.

Statistics show that Japan will be at a 1 per cent odds over the next hundred years.

"[That means] it may happen the next day or tomorrow," said Tatsumi.

The last time Japan was under similar circumstances was back in 1995 when it was had one per cent odds of being struck with an earthquake. Surely enough, a 7.2 earthquake destroyed half of Kobe, killing more than 6000 people.

The mountain region near the volcano poses a complicated threat. It's one of the most popular tourist attractions but could also erupt at a moment's notice putting plenty people at risk.

MUST-SEE: Volcanos are no joke but what about a 'snow'-cano? Check it out below.

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