Expired News - Tobogganing, move over—the next big winter activity is here - The Weather Network
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It's an event that tests your athleticism, creativity and your willingness to jump into a pool of ice-cold water

Tobogganing, move over—the next big winter activity is here

Saturday, February 21, 2015, 7:03 PM - It's a whole new world when it comes to winter activities, as 20 teams took a "magic carpet" ride over a pool of ice-cold water.

The event sponsored by Red Bull mixes creativity, athleticism and a certain amount of courage as teams design a magic carpet and then use it to slide down a mountain slope, hit a ramp and get sent flying.

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Unlike a "real" magic carpet ride, the Shakh Carpet event ends in teams diving into chilling water. Factor in temperatures in the region that are still hovering around -10, and you truly have a cool winter moment.

Landing in the pool isn't enough to be a "winner." Three judges qualify every jump using three main parameters: Best Jump, Creativity and Audience Reaction.

The best in each category win a prize, but every participant gets to enjoy the love of the crowd of more than 500 people willing to stand in the freezing cold to be amazed by once-in-a-lifetime jumps.

As more places continue to place bans on tobogganing, it might be carpet sledding's time to shine.

MUST-SEE: The people above aren't the biggest fan of winter. That prize goes to these little guys below!

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