Expired News - Time lapse video features 'wavy' clouds in Augusta, Georgia - The Weather Network
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On Monday, undulatus asperatus clouds formed over Augusta, Georgia -- and the phenomenon was caught on film.

Time lapse video features 'wavy' clouds in Augusta, Georgia

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Monday, March 30, 2015, 5:48 PM - On Monday, undulatus asperatus clouds formed over Augusta, Georgia -- and the phenomenon was caught on film.

This formation is nicknamed "river of the sky" because of the way it seems to float through the sky.

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The clouds form when two fronts meet  -- but scientists can't agree if they are caused by a cold-warm front or a dry-moist front.

The time lapse video above was shot by Dr. Alan Walters and uploaded to YouTube by Dr. Marshall Shepherd.

While the formation is relatively rare, this isn't the first time these clouds have been spotted over Georgia.

In February 2014 it made an appearance over the city of Atlanta, prompting a time lapse video that quickly went viral.

Source: Facebook

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