Expired News - Strong winds leave three dead in California - The Weather Network
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Strong winds leave three dead in California

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    Friday, November 22, 2013, 6:24 PM -

    Powerful winds and heavy rainfall left three dead in California on Thursday night and many more without power. 

    A wind advisory had been issued for the region on Thursday afternoon, as winds gusts of up to 100 km/h were expected in the Bay area. 

    Uprooted trees and downed power lines were spotted all across the regions. Two of the deaths were caused by collisions between cars and down tree while the third person died after being electrocuted by a power line. 

    Five homeless people had to be rescued from the Santa Ana river, after being trapped by the water. Several more were left injured during the storm but were quickly taken to the hospital. 

    Another power line caused a grass fire in Sonoma county and firefighters struggled trying to contain the flames due to the powerful wind. 

    At the height of the storm nearly 60,000 customers were left without power.

    Officials were forced to reroute traffic after several trees were reported along Highway 101. Nearly 60 cars were left stranded overnight by the numerous accidents.

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