Expired News - State of emergency lifted in Calgary - The Weather Network
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State of emergency lifted in Calgary

Thursday, July 4, 2013, 2:10 PM -

A local state of emergency was lifted in Calgary, Alberta Thursday morning 10:16 a.m. MDT. The state of emergency notice was originally issued on June 20th after severe flooding had ravished the city. This notice gave Calgary the ability and power to immediately conscript resources as needed and to allocate finances to be used for emergency recovery and relief efforts.

As of now, the Municipal Emergency Plan remains in effect so that recovery and relief efforts can continue to take place. Residents are also being reminded to stay away from rivers due to the unsafe conditions caused by the erosion of the riverbanks. The city of Calgary sent this reminder Thursday morning:

The city of Calgary has also made some operational and process changes to help in the recover and relief effort. This includes setting up reception centers to help give Calgarians essential supplies such as food, water, and shelter. Although as the flooding situation begins to improve, the need for these centers has greatly diminished. Reception centers are still in place for those that need aid but the registration center located at Centre Street Church has closed. Community support centers have also been set up in affected areas for citizens and small business owners who are looking for information and coordination of essential services.

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