Expired News - Soggy Wednesday morning commute in southern Ontario - The Weather Network
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Special weather statements are in effect for parts of southern Ontario including: Toronto, Halton-Peel, Barrie, Peterborough, and Algonquin.

Soggy Wednesday morning commute in southern Ontario

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Tuesday, June 10, 2014, 5:46 PM - Special weather statements are in effect for parts of southern Ontario including: Toronto, Halton-Peel, Barrie, Peterborough, and Algonquin.

The weather agency is calling for "significant" rain, beginning just in time for the Wednesday morning commute.

While the threat for thunderstorms will remain in place through the day, Weather Network meteorologist Kelly Sonnenburg says that the bulk of the precipitation is expected to fall in two rounds.

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The first, which pertains to the special weather statement, will move into southwestern Ontario Tuesday overnight, pushing into the GTA in the early morning hours.

"The heaviest rain will take place during the late morning and the early afternoon," Sonnenburg says.

"Saint Catharines and the Golden Horseshoe are at risk of seeing the greatest storms," she adds.

The second band of moisture is expected to arrive Thursday morning.

The rain is expected to dry up in time for the weekend, with forecasters calling for a 'fantastic' Father's Day.

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