Expired News - Quadruple rainbow photo goes viral, and it's real - The Weather Network
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A Long Island woman's photo of a rare quadruple rainbow has gone viral -- but is it legit?

Quadruple rainbow photo goes viral, and it's real

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    Lori Knowles

    Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 3:34 PM - Long Island commuter Amanda Curtis snapped a photo of a quadruple rainbow early Tuesday morning while waiting for her train. What happened next was a lesson in going viral.

    “I didn’t have much time, my train was coming, but I knew it was pretty spectacular,” she said in a phone interview with The Weather Network. “People really responded to it.”

    Some have been skeptical of the miraculous sight, however, saying the image may have been altered somehow.

    Weather Network meteorologists expressed doubt about the positioning of the rainbows, saying typically rainbows appear in concentric rather than overlapping rings, as in this image of a double rainbow in Ottawa captured by viewer Arlene Lang:

    However, Paul Neiman, a research meteorologist at NOAA’s Earth System Research Observatory, told Capital Weather Gang the third and fourth rainbows could have been caused by a "phantom sun" - in this case, the sun's reflection on the waters of Oyster Bay, located about three kilometres from the train station where Curtis snapped the pic.

    For her part, Curtis says she only increased the contrast in the original image to bring out the individual rainbows more clearly.
    “I could see all four rainbows with the naked eye,” she said.

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