Expired News - Powerful wind gusts expected in Manitoba - The Weather Network
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Strong winds mean rough surf on the province's lakes, and there's snow in the forecast too.

Powerful wind gusts expected in Manitoba

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    Daniel Martins
    Digital Reporter

    Saturday, November 15, 2014, 12:47 PM - Prepare for strong winds, bitter cold and snowfall across parts of southern Manitoba this weekend.

    The province's lakes will be rough places to be near, with powerful wind gusts already prompting Environment Canada to issue gale and freezing spray warnings.

    "Winds will be gusting to near 100 km/h in southern Manitoba on Saturday night," Weather Network meteorologist Brian Dillon said early Saturday.

    The north winds will be increasing to that level through the day, whipping up surf and raising fears of localized flooding in some communities.

    "Light snow is possible through Manitoba ahead of the next cold surge from the Arctic, dipping into the Great Lakes and the eastern U.S.," Dillon added.

    Accumulations will be relatively light, but those strong winds could make for reduced visibility in areas where it's falling heaviest.

    And while Manitoba has not been quite as cold as Saskatchewan and Alberta, it's still well below zero. 

    By Saturday evening, temperatures in Winnipeg will dip down to -12oC, feeling like -20 with the wind chill.

    TUNE IN: Watch the Weather Network on TV for updates. If it's safe to do so, upload your pictures and videos here.

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