Expired News - Oregon's lost lake is disappearing through a hole - The Weather Network
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Oregon's lost lake is disappearing through a hole

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Friday, May 1, 2015, 8:03 PM - Every winter, water in the 'lost lake' off Oregon's Hwy 20 drains into a strange hole, leaving the area barren. The phenomenon has puzzled scientists for years.

The hole has been there for centuries and it appears to be the result of the area's volcanic landscape.

Geologists believe a series of tubes formed under the lake when lava from an eruption hardened near the surface and then flowed downwards.

When the lava cooled, these pipes emptied out into a series of tunnels.

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That much is known -- but scientists still aren't sure where the water from the lake goes each year.

Scientists believe one of the tunnels causes the annual drain, but they haven't figured out which one.

Similar drainage holes have been discovered at other lake a few kilometres away. These lakes also appear to have a seasonal cycle.

There are occasional reports of unusual objects showing up in the Lost Lake, like engines and car parts.

Officials believe the large objects are locals attempting to 'plug' the leaking lake -- a practice they advise against.

"If anyone was ever successful at plugging it, which we're not sure they could do, it would just result in the lake flooding, and the road. It's an important part of how the road was designed," Jude McHugh, spokeswoman with the Willamette National Forest, told the Bulletin.

Source: The Bulletin | YouTube


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