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Man hits moose. You'll never guess what happens next


Leeanna McLean
Digital Reporter

Thursday, June 25, 2015, 11:28 AM - Covered in manure and blood, Stephen Bromley of Conche, Newfoundland drove for another 20 km before realizing he had hit a moose.

The man told CBC he remembers seeing the moose appear on the road in front of his car, but doesn’t recall the impact.

“I never even got time hardly to see him,” Bromley told CBC.

With a shattered windshield and crushed roof, the man managed to drive another 20 km before realizing something was wrong.


Tom Canning of Roddickton, Newfoundland passed by Bromley while driving the other direction. After a double-take, Canning decided to turn around and follow the damaged car until it stopped on the side of the road.

"When the car passed me, I looked a second time to be sure that part of the roof was gone off of the car and it looked like there was a man driving it with no head on his shoulders because all I could see was red," Canning told CBC.

Canning walked up to the vehicle to assess what happened. 

"It was a man pulling me over and he said, ‘You’re after hitting a moose.’ I said, ‘What?’ and I got out,” Bromley told CBC.

Bromley told Canning he was going home, but Canning insisted on seeking medical attention.

“He said, ‘you’re going to the hospital. You’re to pieces in the face,’” Bromley told CBC.

Canning managed to get Bromley into his car. He brought the injured man to his sister’s home to clean up and thereafter convinced him to go to the hospital.

“He was one terrible mess. He was buried with moose manure and his face was covered totally with blood,” Canning said.

Bromley suffered a concussion. It has been days since the collision and he still can’t remember what happened to him.

“Everything is a blank. I don’t understand it,” Bromley told CBC.

Apparently this isn’t the first time someone hit a moose and was unable to recall the event. In May 2012, a woman from central Newfoundland drove about 40 km with a heavily damaged vehicle before realizing she had struck a moose, according to CBC.

In other moose news, BC wildlife officials are investigating an animal harassment case after a video was published on YouTube recently, showing a man leaping on top of a moose struggling to cross what appears to be a lake or a river.

Source: CBC

Caught on camera:This encounter with a moose is one close call

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