Expired News - Mama bear pulls cub off B.C. highway - The Weather Network
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Mama bear pulls cub off B.C. highway

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    Thursday, May 22, 2014, 8:07 AM - This amazing video footage gives one storm chasing team a lot more than Mother Nature's fury.

    The video was captured by tornado hunter Ricky Forbes who was driving through B.C.'s Kootenay National Park last weekend.

    He stopped when he spotted the black bear cub sitting dangerously close to the highway.

    "We stopped to capture a shot of a baby bear on the highway only to get much more of a show," said Forbes in his YouTube post. "While watching the cub we saw the mama bear stick it's head over the barrier to save it's young from its dangerous predicament. It almost looks like she looks both ways first! A very amazing sight to see."

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