Expired News - Lucy the Lobster steals the show on Groundhog Day: See - The Weather Network
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Lucy the Lobster steals the show on Groundhog Day: See

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Friday, February 2, 2018, 6:24 PM - Groundhog Day, as the name suggests, is usually celebrated with the help of a groundhog.

But in Nova Scotia things are different.

Lucy the lobster, a striking creature weighing in at 6.5 pounds and reaching a length of 19 inches, crawled onto the South Shore Friday. She didn't see her shadow, which means spring is right around the corner. Her prediction jives with groundhogs Shubenacadie Sam, Fred la marmotte, Manitoba Merve and Balzac Billy but not with the predictions of Wiarton Willie and Pennsylvania's Punxsutawney Phil, who predicted six more weeks of winter.

Lucy and her lobster friends love the cool waters of the Atlantic Ocean this time of year. "They call it 'refreshing," Heather Spidell, marketing coordinator for South Shore Tourism Cooperative Limited told The Weather Network via email.

"And Lucy says the salt water is good for her complexion."

Lucy made her appearance to kick of Lobster Crawl, a local winter festival that starts on Groundhog Day.

"She is now basking at a spa with her peeps at Capt. Kat's Lobster Shack, Barrington, NS and receiving guests," Spidell says.

In case you were wondering, she won't be making an appearance on a dinner plate anytime soon.

VIDEO: Reporter bitten by groundhog:

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