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Little black bugs invade southern Ontario

A swarm of midges in Oakville, Ontario over the weekend. Photo credit: Grace Yvonne Attard/Facebook

A swarm of midges in Oakville, Ontario over the weekend. Photo credit: Grace Yvonne Attard/Facebook

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    Cheryl Santa Maria
    Digital Reporter

    Monday, April 28, 2014, 3:53 PM -

    Tiny black bugs have been spotted in parts of southern Ontario, leaving many residents wondering where they're coming from.

    The bugs --  referred to as midges -- are part of the chironomidae family and while they may look like mosquitoes, there's one big difference: These guys don't bite.

    Parts of southern Ontario saw near-seasonal temperatures over the weekend and that could be the reason behind the recent invasion.

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    Social media reports suggest the midges "swarmed" parts of Oakville over the weekend while residents in Burlington reported an influx of the bugs Monday morning.

    If the bugs are darkening the sky in your neighbourhood, rest assured they won't be around for long.

    Experts say they only live for a few weeks.

    In the meantime, you can avoid coming into close contact with them by wearing glasses and keeping your head down should you encounter a swarm.

    According to the Toronto Star, there are approximately 5,000 types of midges in the world. More than 760 are found in Canada.

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