Expired News - Friday ends nearly 600-day streak of above-freezing temperatures in Vancouver - The Weather Network
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Friday ends nearly 600-day streak of above-freezing temperatures in Vancouver

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    Friday, December 6, 2013, 7:22 PM -

    By 4 p.m. Friday, the temperature had dipped to -0.5°C at Vancouver International Airport, ending 686 consecutive days of above freezing temperatures in the city.

    "The last time it was below freezing in Vancouver was on January 19, 2012. On that day, the airport recorded a low of -1.1°C," explains Brian Dillon, a meteorologist at The Weather Network.

    In the Prairies, temperatures are dangerously cold. Warnings have been issued across parts of southern Alberta and Saskatchewan with wind chill values below -40°C expected.

    The frigid temperatures -- combined with brisk winds -- will continue to bring extreme wind chill values to both provinces through the weekend.

    Dillon says it's part of a trend that's taking hold across the continent.

    "Below seasonal temperatures are currently in place across Canada and the U.S.," he says. "Many communities will experience below-seasonal temperatures for the next couple of weeks."

    Visit the Alerts section of the website to keep on top of watches and warnings across the country.

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