Expired News - Flooding, 'worst rain in 100 years' kills scores in India - The Weather Network
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Torrential downpours in southern India Tuesday called for army assistance as the city of Chennai saw “the worst rain in 100 years.” So far, almost 200 deaths have been attributed to the weeks-long deluge.

Flooding, 'worst rain in 100 years' kills scores in India

Daksha Rangan
Digital Reporter

Wednesday, December 2, 2015, 2:01 PM - Torrential downpours in southern India Tuesday called for army assistance as the city of Chennai saw “the worst rain in 100 years.”

Flooding throughout the city led to suspended flight operations and caused some to flee home, seeking refuge in hotels.

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Tuesday’s rainfall is part of a weeks-long deluge that began in October. The floods have reportedly caused almost 200 deaths in the southern state of Tamil Nadu.

Naval services have been deployed for rescue efforts in Chennai, as many parts of the state’s capital city were submerged Tuesday.

The region has experienced overflowing lakes, caved and flooded roads, and power outages. The heavy rain is expected to continue through the next four days.

SOURCE: CNN | Times of India | Storyful

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