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You're on a backwoods camping or fishing trip, and the worst happens: You drop your phone in the river, robbing yourself of Facebook and Snapchat.

Lost in the woods? How to navigate without your phone

Digital writers

Monday, May 2, 2016, 2:57 PM - You're on a backwoods camping or fishing trip, and the worst happens: You drop your phone in the river, robbing yourself of Facebook and Snapchat.

Also, you now have no GPS, and no way of navigating, so you're pretty much stranded. What do you do?

It's not hard to get disoriented in the wilderness, and blindly striking out in a random direction could very well get you even more lost. Assuming you let people know where you were going and when to expect you back, the best thing to do is stay put and wait for rescue.

But if the days stretch out and no help is on the horizon, turn to the skies for help: The star Polaris is always visible, and will always guide you north, allowing you to navigate by the stars.

As for how to find it, watch the video above as Nathan Coleman and Scott Sutherland explain.

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