Expired News - California drought reignites search for 1965 plane wreckage - The Weather Network
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Volunteers hoping that families of victims will finally get closure 50 years later.

California drought reignites search for 1965 plane wreckage

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    Sunday, January 19, 2014, 11:36 AM -

    A married couple from Idaho are hoping some good comes from the devastating drought that has been affecting California. Gene and Sandy Ralston are hoping to find the missing victims of a plane crash. 

    The decrease in water levels at Folsom Lake could make their job easier: searching for a plane that sank in the lake nearly 50 years ago. While four passengers were inside at the time of the crash the only body that was recovered was that of James Marshall. 

    The aircraft crashed with another plane in midair. The other plane was able to land in a nearby airport but Marshall's plane plummeted and sunk in the lake. 

    After three days of searching, they still have not been able to find the plane. However they did not leave the search empty-handed. The images they have captured will help them evaluate their progress and move forward. 

    RELATED: California drought worst in decades 

    Volunteers that spoke to relatives of the missing victims were motivated to continue in hopes of offering some sort of closure. 

    The couple searching for the wreckage have volunteered for these sort of searches since the 1980s. Together they have helped recover more than 80 bodies. The families of the victims are grateful for the Ralstons. Without them, they would never have peace.

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