Expired News - 2,000-year-old paw prints show cats have always been jerks - The Weather Network
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2,000-year-old paw prints show cats have always been jerks


Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Wednesday, August 5, 2015, 5:31 PM - Disclosure: The Weather Network loves cats, and many of our TV (and digital) personalities have one or more of them at home. That said, even the most ardent kitty enthusiast will often agree that cats can be jerks.

Case in point:

Two-thousand-year-old feline paw prints have been spotted on a Roman roof tile found in Gloucester, England.

While the tile was unearthed in 1969, the paw prints were just recently noticed by an archaeologist who was sifting through thousands of Roman roof tile fragments at the city museum.

"When Romans made roof tiles they left the wet clay out to dry in the sun," a museum spokesman said, according to the Telegraph.

"Animals, and people, sometimes walked across the drying tiles and left their footprints behind. The cat is thought to have snuck across the wet tiles in Gloucester in about AD100, probably at the annoyance of the tile makers, but this did not stop the Romans from using the tile."

This isn't the first time a cat has tampered with something that's now considered an historic relic.

Bored Panda points to this handwritten document from March 11, 1445.

Clearly a cat was in a hurry to get somewhere and didn't care there was an ink container and a book in its way:


Sources: The Telegraph | Bored Panda


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