Seattle weather forecast: Cloudy with showers

Seattle residents should prepare for a day of cloudy skies and showers on Tuesday, May 21.

The morning will bring light rain with a temperature of 52ºF and a wind speed of 10 mph. As the day progresses, the rain will continue into the afternoon, with temperatures hovering around 54ºF and a wind speed of 12 mph. In the evening, the city will remain cloudy with showers, maintaining a temperature of 54ºF and a wind speed of 11 mph.

A 90% chance of rain is expected throughout the day, with approximately 0.5 inches of rainfall anticipated. Cloud cover will be extensive, ranging from 90-100% throughout the day. There are currently no weather advisories in effect. Due to the cloud cover, the total hours of sunshine will be limited. Residents are advised to plan accordingly for a day of wet weather.

This article was generated with the use of OpenAI and The Weather Network's forecast data. The article was reviewed by our editorial team for accuracy and clarity.

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